up from the depths

Bonus Episode: Interview with GODZILLA 1985 co-director R.J. Kizer

R.J. Kizer returns to the podcast! A longtime New World Pictures editor, R.J. made his directorial debut with the American scenes that were inserted into GODZILLA 1985, New World’s re-edit of Toho’s THE RETURN OF GODZILLA.  We discuss how he became involved with the project, what it was like working with Raymond Burr, why GODZILLA…

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The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
Bonus Episode: Interview with GODZILLA 1985 co-director R.J. Kizer

Bonus Episode: Interview with Editor/Director R.J. Kizer (HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN, BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS, UP FROM THE DEPTHS)

If HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN didn’t start #SciFiJuly with enough of a bang, here’s an epic interview with the film’s co-director and editor, R.J. Kizer, who got his start editing for Roger Corman and New World Pictures with 1979’s UP FROM THE DEPTHS (which we covered earlier this year) and went on to work on…

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The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
Bonus Episode: Interview with Editor/Director R.J. Kizer (HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN, BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS, UP FROM THE DEPTHS)