Terminal Island

New World Pictures and the Women in Prison Film

By Ryan Gowland New World’s fascination with the “women in prison” film can be blamed on two things: the Philippines and Larry Woolner. When Roger Corman started New World Pictures in 1970, he wasn’t immediately sure what kind of films he was going to make. He was already locked into a two-film deal with United…

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Nearly New World: Terminal Island (1973)

Prison March continues its sentence with a film that was Nearly New World: 1973’s TERMINAL ISLAND! Find out how director Stephanie Rothman (THE STUDENT TEACHERS, THE VELVET VAMPIRE) ended up making this with competitor Dimension Pictures instead of New World! Find out if we were able to look away from free-minded murderer Tom Selleck as…

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The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
Nearly New World: Terminal Island (1973)