captain america

Bonus Episode: Ranking the 70s/80s Marvel Cinematic Universe featuring Tarik Davis

Sadly friends, it’s the end of Marc’s Miserable MARVELous May II, where we celebrate the New World Pictures era of Marvel, and we wanted to send it off with a celebration and ranking of the 1970s and 1980s Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) with our special guest – returning from last year’s 90s MCU ranking –…

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The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
Bonus Episode: Ranking the 70s/80s Marvel Cinematic Universe featuring Tarik Davis

Bonus Episode: Ranking the 90s MCU featuring Tarik Davis

It’s the end of Marc’s Miserable MARVELous May and we wanted to send it off with a celebration of the New World Pictures era of the MCU with our special guest, Tarik Davis.   We rank our top 6: Generation X, Death of the Incredible Hulk, Fantastic Four, Captain America, Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D…

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The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
Bonus Episode: Ranking the 90s MCU featuring Tarik Davis

Nearly New World: Captain America (1990) with Austin Trunick

We continue Marc’s Miserable MARVELous May with 1990’s Captain America –  movie that should have been made by New World Pictures but wasn’t.   Instead, it was made by the Cannon Films offshoot, 21st Century Film Corporation. which is why we invited the author of The Cannon Film Guide, Austin Trunick, to join us to…

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The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
Nearly New World: Captain America (1990) with Austin Trunick