Podcast: New World Pictures Podcast

Ep. 4: Humanoids from the Deep

On this episode we talk about a movie that is one part strong female leads battling monsters from the deep and one part gratuitous exploitation.  It’s two movies in one about a sleepy town battling humanoids that aren’t here to kill – they’re here to mate.  Yes.  Mate.

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The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
Ep. 4: Humanoids from the Deep

Ep. 3: House 2

We’re skipping right over the original House to talk about House 2: The Second Story.  We are a house (ahem) divided as some of us love at the New World Podcast love this movie while others do not.  Let’s dive in and find out why.  

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The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
Ep. 3: House 2

Ep. 2: Death Race 2000

We discuss an all time New World Pictures classic – 1975’s Death Race 2000.  Unfortunately, a cricket in the studio also wanted to talk about Death Race 2000. We tried our best to cut it’s audio out but there is a little background noise. 

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The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
Ep. 2: Death Race 2000

Ep. 1: Children of the Corn

We discuss 1984’s Children of the Corn and spend a little time talking about the many, many sequels it spawned. 

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The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
Ep. 1: Children of the Corn