If you’re from Louisiana or spent any time in a Southern swamp, you’ve got the advantage with this episode. We are way over our skis with the dialogue but we found a new saying that will become a NWPPVIP staple, “we can’t go off half cocktail”. Cocktail? Not sure what that means but we love it.
If you’re not from Louisiana but you like aeronautics, you’ll love this movie. There are bi-planes, float-planes, helicopters and even airboats.
Maybe you’re into MOONSHINERS on Discovery Channel. This movie has moonshine too! And, they know how to drink it right – out of Mason jars.
Most importantly, if you’re into Nutria, you might like this movie. It doesn’t have as many Nutria as you’d expect. And while we’re on the subject, does a Nutria sound like a person playing a Kazoo?