Ep. 136: The Initiation
We continue #DIEcember 2: Slay Bells Ring with another obscure slasher, 1984’s THE INITIATION. This one is filled with family secrets, sharp hand rakes, and hot – temperature hot – sex. It’s a movie about the power of dreams or at least the power of attraction that comes from...
The New World Pictures Podcast
Ep. 136: The Initiation
Ep. 135: Mountaintop Motel Massacre featuring Ryan Verrill
We kick off #DIEcember 2: Slay Bells Ring with everyone’s character rich slasher, 1983’s MOUNTAINTOP MOTEL MASSACRE. Or, if you’d prefer, MOUNTAINTOP MOTEL. Or, as we would call it, “MOTEL MASSACRE NOT ON A MOUNTAIN”. Staring Bill Thurman (THE LAST PICTURE SHOW), Anna Chappell (THE MAN IN THE MOON),...
The New World Pictures Podcast
Ep. 135: Mountaintop Motel Massacre featuring Ryan Verrill
Nearly New World: Chopping Mall
We are wrapping up the merry month of #DIEcember II: Slay Bells Ring with a well-known cult classic: 1986’s CHOPPING MALL aka KILLBOTS. This Nearly New World film was written and directed by Jim Wynorski in his first film for Roger and Julie Corman following working at New World...