Our celebration of FORBIDDEN WORLD continues with a conversation with makeup effects artist Mark Shostrom (EVIL DEAD II, PHANTASM II & III, NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1-3) who got his start at New World Pictures, working at the Lumberyard for Allan Holzman’s FORBIDDEN WORLD and Aaron Lipstadt’s ANDROID! But Mark’s work at New World didn’t stop there! We’ll talk about his work on RAW COURAGE, THE BOYS NEXT DOOR, a brief stint on SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE and almost working on HEATHERS! Mark also tells stories about EVIL DEAD II, PHANTASM II, and NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2 & 3! This is an episode you don’t want to miss!
Bonus Episode: Interview with makeup effects artist Mark Shostrom (FORBIDDEN WORLD, ANDROID)

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