1st Annual Worldies and Our Running Top 5 2022 Edition

The New World Pictures Podcast
The New World Pictures Podcast
1st Annual Worldies and Our Running Top 5 2022 Edition
2022 is dead, long live 2023!  But, before we move on, it’s time for everyone’s favorite award show: the Worldies! Yes, the award show that honors the very best in films (that we watched this year)! Plus, our Running Top 5 for 2022!

Joining us to hand out these awards are several of our former guests: Lauren Flans from Coming Out with Lauren and Nicole (https://www.comingoutpod.com/ ), Peter Fluet (https://twitter.com/feedbackjonze ), Dirk Marshall from VHUS Podcast (http://www.vh-us.com), Jason Kleeberg from the Force Five podcast (https://www.forcefivepodcast.com/), Dunbar from The List Show Podcast (https://twitter.com/the_poody ), Dan Gorman from Notes From the Back Row Podcast (https://www.back-row.com/), Doug from the Great Times, Good Movies podcast (https://twitter.com/GTGMcast ), and Lindsay Wilkins from the Schlock and Awe Podcast (https://twitter.com/schlockandawe1 )! 

Many thanks to our guest presenters, all our prestigious Worldie winners, and to all of you NWPPVIPs for listening to the 1st Annual Worldies!

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